This A2 ESL lesson is focused on music genres, giving students the opportunity to talk about their music preferences. Throughout...
Carol of the Bells
Discover the fascinating history behind the famous Christmas song Carol of the Bells, originally a Ukrainian folk chant. This B2-level...
S.A.D. or Just Sad?
This C1 ESL lesson focuses on seasonal affective disorder (SAD), based on an article from The Washington Post. Students will...
Talking About Money
This lesson focuses on conversations about money, emphasizing important vocabulary related to the topic. Students will engage in activities such...
Would You Try This Fruit?
In this B1 ESL lesson, students will refresh their knowledge of fruits and explore the various fruits from around the...
Why Everyone Hates E-Scooters
In this B2-level lesson, students will explore the topic “Why Everyone Hates E-Scooters” through engaging discussions and activities centered on...
How Much Power Does Humanity Need?
This C1 ESL lesson explores humanity’s energy needs and the challenges we face in meeting them. Students will analyze the...
Fighting Workaholism
In this B2 ESL lesson plan, students will watch a video about workaholism and addiction to success. They will discuss...
Why We Remember Unfinished Tasks
This B1 ESL lesson introduces the Zeigarnik Effect, which explains why we remember unfinished tasks more than completed ones. Students...
Interior Design Tips
This free lesson plan is perfect for your B2 English class, focusing on interior design tips and exploring various styles...
Creativity & Inspiration
This ESL lesson is based on the video “How to Find Inspiration When You Donβt Feel Like Doing Anything.” It...
Workplace Scams & Red Flags
It’s been some time since we offered a free lesson for advanced ESL students, and we’re excited to share our...