The Language of Movies

This B1 lesson is ideal for students transitioning from A2 to B1 level. It covers 10 movie genres and 15 related words, including adjectives, roles, and people. The lesson introduces new vocabulary while also reinforcing familiar words to activate students’ prior knowledge. It includes vocabulary practice activities, speaking, and discussion tasks. Designed for intermediate students of all ages, this lesson is engaging and educational.
Type | Level | Vocabulary | Lesson Time |
Regular Lesson | B1 / Intermediate | 25 words | 60-80 min |

- Action
- Comedy
- Drama
- Horror
- Science fiction
- Romance
- Thriller
- Fantasy
- Documentary
- Animation
- Ticket
- Popcorn
- Cinema
- Genre
- Plot
- Hero
- Villain
- Director
- Writer
- Character
- Star
- Boring
- Exciting
- Funny
- Scary
- Romantic
- Lead-in
- Genres
- Vocabulary
- Speaking
- Categories
- Vocabulary
- Practice 1
- Practice 2
- Practice 3
- Discussion
- Wrap-up