Routines are structured plans that individuals follow to manage their time effectively. They vary greatly among people, depending on their daily commitments, jobs, and personal preferences. Establishing a routine can help reduce stress, increase productivity, and maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure activities.

Lesson recommendations:
Escaping the Grip of Routine
Your Morning Routine

A2 Level Questions:

  1. What time do you wake up every day?
  2. Do you eat breakfast in the morning? What do you usually have?
  3. How do you go to school or work? (e.g., bus, walk)
  4. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
  5. Do you have a hobby that you do regularly?
  6. What do you usually do after school or work?
  7. How many hours do you sleep at night?
  8. Do you help with any chores at home? Which ones?
  9. What do you like to do before going to bed?
  10. Do you watch TV every day? What do you watch?
  11. Do you have a special routine on weekends?
  12. What time do you usually have dinner?
  13. How do you spend time with your family?
  14. Do you exercise? What do you do?
  15. Do you read books? What kind of books do you like?
  16. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
  17. How do you relax after a long day?
  18. Do you use a computer or phone every day? For what?
  19. Do you take a shower in the morning or at night?
  20. Do you have a snack after school or work? What is it?

B1 Level Questions:

  1. How does your morning routine help you start the day?
  2. Can you describe a typical weekday in your life?
  3. How do you balance work or study with leisure activities?
  4. What are the benefits of having a routine?
  5. How do you decide what tasks to include in your daily routine?
  6. Do you prefer to plan your weekends or be spontaneous? Why?
  7. How has your routine changed over the years?
  8. What is the most challenging part of your daily routine?
  9. Do you have any rituals for productivity or relaxation?
  10. How do you ensure you have a healthy work-life balance?
  11. What role does technology play in your daily life?
  12. How do you stay motivated to follow your routine?
  13. What do you do if something disrupts your routine?
  14. How important is exercise in your daily routine?
  15. How do you manage stress within your daily schedule?
  16. What is one thing you wish you could add to your routine?
  17. How do you make time for personal projects?
  18. What’s your routine for maintaining personal relationships?
  19. Do you have a bedtime routine? What does it include?
  20. How do you prepare for the upcoming week?

B2 Level Questions:

  1. Discuss the impact of a well-structured routine on mental health.
  2. How can routines aid in achieving long-term goals?
  3. What are the drawbacks of a highly rigid routine?
  4. How do cultural differences influence people’s daily routines?
  5. In what ways has technology altered traditional daily routines?
  6. How does your routine adapt to unexpected events?
  7. What strategies do you use to optimize your routine for productivity?
  8. How does the concept of “morning routines” vary across cultures?
  9. What is the role of self-care in your daily routine?
  10. How do routines contribute to professional development?
  11. Discuss the balance between routine and creativity.
  12. How do social obligations fit into your routine?
  13. What methods do you use to track and improve your daily routine?
  14. How does the change of seasons affect your routine?
  15. What psychological effects does breaking a routine have?
  16. How do you incorporate new habits into your routine?
  17. What is the significance of “wind-down” routines before bedtime?
  18. How do routines vary between weekdays and weekends?
  19. Discuss the role of routines in managing anxiety or depression.
  20. How do you differentiate between productive routines and being stuck in a rut?

C1 Level Questions:

  1. Analyze the relationship between routine and personal identity.
  2. How can one maintain flexibility within a structured routine?
  3. Discuss the concept of “morning pages” and its impact on creativity and productivity.
  4. How do routines influence decision-making processes and cognitive load?
  5. What are the implications of “social jetlag” on personal routines?
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of “time blocking” techniques in managing daily tasks.
  7. How do routines affect interpersonal relationships and communication?
  8. Discuss the integration of mindfulness practices into daily routines.
  9. What role does routine play in the management of chronic conditions or disabilities?
  10. Analyze the effect of telecommuting on traditional work routines.

C2 Level Questions:

  1. Critique the notion that routines are antithetical to spontaneity and creativity.
  2. Discuss the interplay between routine, discipline, and freedom.
  3. Evaluate the sociocultural impacts of globalized work routines.
  4. Explore the concept of “ultradian rhythms” and their application in optimizing work routines.
  5. How do historical figures’ routines provide insights into their personalities and achievements?
  6. What are the ethical considerations of imposing routines on others, particularly in institutional settings?
  7. Discuss the role of routines in the philosophical concept of “the good life.”
  8. How do digital nomads maintain routines while constantly changing environments?
  9. Analyze the psychological impact of breaking free from societal norms and routines.
  10. Explore the balance between routine and adaptability in high-performance professions.