Volcanoes ESL discussion questions

A2 Level (Elementary)

  1. What is a volcano?
  2. Have you ever seen a volcano?
  3. What colors are lava?
  4. Can plants grow on a volcano?
  5. Do people live near volcanoes?
  6. Why do volcanoes erupt?
  7. Are all volcanoes the same size?
  8. What should you do if a volcano erupts?
  9. Can volcanoes be found in the ocean?
  10. Do you think volcanoes are scary?

B1 Level (Intermediate)

  1. How are volcanoes formed?
  2. What are the benefits of living near a volcano?
  3. What are the dangers of volcanic eruptions?
  4. How do scientists predict volcanic eruptions?
  5. What types of volcanoes are there?
  6. Why are some eruptions explosive and others are not?
  7. How do volcanoes affect the climate?
  8. Can you name any famous volcanoes?
  9. How do people prepare for a volcanic eruption?
  10. What happens to wildlife during an eruption?

B2 Level (Upper-Intermediate)

  1. Discuss the role of volcanoes in creating new land.
  2. How do volcanic eruptions impact air travel?
  3. Analyze the relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes.
  4. What are pyroclastic flows, and why are they dangerous?
  5. How have cultures around the world viewed volcanoes historically?
  6. Discuss the importance of volcanic soil for agriculture.
  7. Evaluate the challenges of volcanic disaster management.
  8. How do underwater volcanoes contribute to ocean ecosystems?
  9. What is the Ring of Fire, and why is it significant?
  10. Discuss the long-term environmental impacts of volcanic eruptions.

C1 Level (Advanced)

  1. Critique the effectiveness of current volcanic monitoring technologies.
  2. Discuss the implications of volcanic eruptions on global warming.
  3. Analyze the socio-economic effects of volcanic eruptions on local communities.
  4. Evaluate the potential of geothermal energy from volcanoes.
  5. How does volcanic activity contribute to planetary evolution?
  6. Discuss the ethics of tourism in volcanic regions.
  7. Analyze the psychological impact of living under the threat of eruption.
  8. Evaluate the role of international cooperation in volcanic disaster response.
  9. How have volcanic eruptions influenced art and literature?
  10. Discuss the challenges of reconstructing after a volcanic disaster.

C2 Level (Proficiency)

  1. Analyze the potential for predictive modeling in volcanic eruption forecasting.
  2. Discuss the impact of supervolcanoes on human civilization.
  3. Critique the media’s portrayal of volcanic eruptions and its effect on public perception.
  4. Evaluate the interdisciplinary approaches to studying volcanoes.
  5. Discuss the philosophical questions raised by natural disasters like volcanic eruptions.
  6. Analyze the role of volcanoes in the Earth’s geological carbon cycle.
  7. Evaluate the impact of historical volcanic eruptions on global culture and economy.
  8. Discuss the potential of using volcanic materials in construction and industry.
  9. Analyze the long-term global health effects of major volcanic eruptions.
  10. Discuss the future of volcanic research and its implications for Earth science.