A2 Level (Elementary)

  1. What is ecology?
  2. Can you name different types of plants and animals in a forest?
  3. What is a food chain?
  4. How does the sun help plants?
  5. What do animals need to live?
  6. Why is water important for life?
  7. What is an ecosystem?
  8. How do plants help animals?
  9. What happens when it rains?
  10. Can you name some animals that live in the water?
  11. How do animals help plants?
  12. What is your favorite animal and why?
  13. How do humans affect nature?
  14. What are some ways to protect the environment?
  15. Why is it important to recycle?
  16. What can you do to save water?
  17. Why do animals need trees?
  18. What happens to leaves in the fall?
  19. Can you think of an animal that flies?
  20. What do you like about nature?

B1 Level (Intermediate)

  1. Discuss different ecosystems and their importance.
  2. How do animals depend on each other for survival?
  3. What is biodiversity and why is it important?
  4. How do human activities impact the environment?
  5. Discuss the importance of the water cycle.
  6. What are renewable and non-renewable resources?
  7. How do plants contribute to the ecosystem?
  8. Discuss the role of decomposers in the ecosystem.
  9. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
  10. How does pollution affect ecology?
  11. Discuss the impact of climate change on ecosystems.
  12. How can we protect endangered species?
  13. What are the consequences of deforestation?
  14. How do urban areas affect the environment?
  15. What is sustainable living?
  16. How does recycling help the environment?
  17. What is the role of national parks in conservation?
  18. Discuss how agriculture affects natural habitats.
  19. What are the effects of overfishing?
  20. How can individuals contribute to environmental conservation?

B2 Level (Upper Intermediate)

  1. Analyze the impact of human population growth on ecosystems.
  2. Discuss the concept of ecological balance and its importance.
  3. How do invasive species affect native ecosystems?
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of conservation strategies.
  5. Discuss the role of oceans in global ecology.
  6. Analyze the relationship between economic development and environmental sustainability.
  7. Debate the effectiveness of international environmental policies.
  8. Discuss the ethical implications of genetic modification on ecosystems.
  9. How does industrial pollution affect ecological systems?
  10. Evaluate the impact of ecotourism.
  11. Discuss the significance of wetlands in ecological balance.
  12. How do energy sources impact ecological systems?
  13. Analyze the role of education in promoting environmental awareness.
  14. Discuss the challenges of balancing agriculture and nature conservation.
  15. Evaluate the impact of climate change policies on ecosystems.
  16. How do urban green spaces contribute to ecological health?
  17. Discuss the role of technology in monitoring ecological changes.
  18. Analyze the effects of global warming on different ecosystems.
  19. Debate the role of individual action versus government regulation in environmental conservation.
  20. Discuss the long-term implications of habitat destruction.

C1 Level (Advanced)

  1. Critique the current global approaches to biodiversity conservation.
  2. Analyze the impact of climate change on specific ecosystems.
  3. Evaluate the role of international treaties in environmental protection.
  4. Discuss the socio-economic impacts of environmental degradation.
  5. Examine the intersection of ecology, technology, and innovation.
  6. Analyze the implications of urbanization for biodiversity.
  7. Evaluate the concept of ecological footprint and its relevance.
  8. Discuss the challenges of sustainable resource management.
  9. Examine the role of media in shaping public opinion on environmental issues.
  10. Critically assess the concept of ecosystem services and their valuation.

C2 Level (Proficiency)

  1. Debate the philosophical underpinnings of ecological conservation.
  2. Analyze the role of global politics in shaping environmental policy.
  3. Critically evaluate the concept of sustainable development.
  4. Examine the long-term effects of anthropogenic changes on global ecosystems.
  5. Discuss the ethical considerations in wildlife conservation.
  6. Analyze the relationship between ecological science and policy-making.
  7. Evaluate the potential of emerging technologies in ecological restoration.
  8. Debate the effectiveness of grassroots movements versus top-down approaches in environmental activism.
  9. Examine the role of cultural perspectives in understanding and addressing ecological issues.
  10. Critically assess the future challenges in global environmental governance.