πŸ‘‡ Lessons we’ve made about this topic:
– Different Ages & Stages of Life
– Every Birth Generation Explained

A2 Level (Elementary)

  1. What games do children like to play?
  2. Can you describe your favorite childhood toy?
  3. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?
  4. What do children learn at school?
  5. Why is it important for children to play outside?
  6. What do children like to eat for snacks?
  7. How do you make friends when you are a child?
  8. What cartoons do children watch today?
  9. How do children help at home?
  10. What is your happiest childhood memory?
  11. Do you think children should have pets?
  12. How do children travel to school?
  13. What sports are popular among children in your country?
  14. Why do children like to draw and paint?
  15. What are common bedtime stories for children?
  16. How do children celebrate festivals in your culture?
  17. Why is it important for children to learn to share?
  18. What kind of music do children enjoy?
  19. Do you think it’s important for children to learn a second language?
  20. What do children dream about?

B1 Level (Intermediate)

  1. How have children’s games changed over the years?
  2. Why is play important for a child’s development?
  3. Discuss the role of technology in children’s lives.
  4. How do children’s friendships impact their development?
  5. What are the benefits of team sports for children?
  6. How can reading influence a child’s imagination?
  7. What is the importance of family traditions for children?
  8. Discuss the differences in childhood today compared to your own.
  9. How does travel impact a child’s world view?
  10. What role do schools play in shaping a child’s future?
  11. How can children learn responsibility?
  12. Discuss the importance of healthy eating habits for children.
  13. What are the challenges of parenting in modern society?
  14. How do cultural differences affect children’s upbringing?
  15. Why should children learn about environmental conservation?
  16. How do media and advertising influence children?
  17. What makes a good children’s book or story?
  18. How do children express creativity differently from adults?
  19. Discuss the impact of bilingualism on a child’s development.
  20. What are the ethical considerations of child actors or models?

B2 Level (Upper Intermediate)

  1. How does the concept of childhood vary across cultures?
  2. Discuss the impact of social media on children’s social skills.
  3. How do educational systems around the world differ in nurturing children?
  4. Analyze the effects of competitive pressure on children.
  5. What is the role of art and music in a child’s education?
  6. How does family structure influence a child’s development?
  7. Discuss the long-term effects of early childhood education.
  8. How have children’s roles in society evolved over time?
  9. What are the psychological effects of bullying on children?
  10. How do global issues, like climate change, affect children’s future?
  11. Discuss the balance between discipline and freedom in child-rearing.
  12. How do children’s perspectives differ from those of adults?
  13. Analyze the role of children’s literature in shaping values.
  14. How does exposure to different cultures benefit children?
  15. Discuss the ethical implications of child labor.
  16. How do children’s healthcare needs differ from those of adults?
  17. What is the importance of play in learning languages?
  18. Discuss the challenges children face in becoming independent.
  19. How can societies better support children with disabilities?
  20. Analyze the role of government policies in protecting children’s rights.

C1 Level (Advanced)

  1. Evaluate the impact of globalization on childhood.
  2. Discuss the psychological implications of overprotective parenting.
  3. Analyze the role of children in political movements.
  4. How do children’s cognitive abilities develop through different stages?
  5. Discuss the concept of childhood innocence in literature and media.
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of different educational philosophies for children.
  7. How do socioeconomic factors influence a child’s opportunities?
  8. Analyze the representation of children in contemporary media.
  9. Discuss the ethical considerations in genetic testing for children.
  10. How do advancements in technology shape children’s future prospects?

C2 Level (Proficiency)

  1. Critique the portrayal of childhood in classical versus modern literature.
  2. Discuss the implications of childhood trauma on adult life.
  3. Analyze the philosophical concept of nature versus nurture in child development.
  4. Evaluate the impact of multiculturalism on a child’s identity formation.
  5. Discuss the intersection of children’s rights and cultural traditions.
  6. Analyze the long-term effects of digital literacy in childhood.
  7. Debate the role of government intervention in child welfare and education.
  8. Critically assess the concept of childhood as a social construct.
  9. Explore the ethical boundaries in genetic enhancement for children.
  10. Analyze the effects of global economic disparities on children’s education.