Tech and internet culture Cover2
B1 – Tech & Internet Culture

This ESL lesson revolves around 16 essential words concerning internet, social media, gaming, and technology…

cheap streaming esl lesson
C1 – Saying Goodbye to Cheap Streaming

Here's an advanced ESL lesson centered on a topic everyone knows: the world of streaming…

B1 GTA 6 gaming lesson
B1 – Discussing Video Games & GTA 6

In this B1 level lesson, we're delving into the world of GTA with the reveal…

esl lesson about smartphone addiction
B2 – Smartphone Addiction

Video-based ESL lesson about how smartphones are used in our lives and why some people…

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C1 – The Origins and Meaning of Memes

Fun ESL lesson about the fascinating world of internet culture and memes based on the…

campaign creators pypeCEaJeZY unsplash
C1 – Efficient Browsing: One Tab Only

Article-based ESL lesson which discusses the negative impact of keeping multiple browser tabs open simultaneously…