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B2 – The Beauty Premium Effect

beauty standards esl lesson b2

In this B2-level ESL lesson on beauty standards, students dive into the controversial “beauty premium” concept, exploring how appearance can impact everything from job offers to political success. They’ll watch a video, then analyze bold data that claims attractive people earn more, get shorter jail sentences, and even score more date requests! Students will create a mock social media post promoting unique beauty ideals and discuss if attractive people really do have it easier in life. Engaging vocabulary exercises and discussion prompts encourage students to challenge their perceptions and debate the power of appearance.

TypeLevelVocabularyVideo lengthLesson time
Regular LessonB2 / Upper-Intermediate10 words1:21 min60-90 min

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  • Attractive
  • Phenomenon
  • Beauty premium
  • Perceive
  • Appearance
  • Influence
  • Candidate
  • Intelligent
  • Income
  • Social class


  • Agree or disagree
  • Vocabulary preview
  • Definitions
  • Video
  • Reading
  • Comprehension questions
  • Discussion
  • Comments
  • Vocabulary practice
  • Vocabulary in depth
  • Social media post
  • Charts
Agree or disagree

Students kick off this lesson by debating five bold statements on beauty’s role in today’s world. They’ll agree or disagree with each one, sharing real-life examples to back their views.

Vocabulary preview, Definitions

In the vocabulary preview, students mark a check next to words they recognize and then give brief explanations for each. There are 10 words total, which seem fairly straightforward, but the video that follows is more challenging. Definitions are provided on the next page for reference.

Video, Reading, Comprehension questions

The video for this lesson is short but fast-paced, so we suggest watching it two or even three times. Students should take notes on five key topics while watching, and afterward, you can ask questions to check their understanding. If needed, move on to the next page, which contains a transcript from the video. You can have students read it aloud, in pairs, or individually. Following this, there are five questions related to the notes they should have taken during the video.

Discussion, Comments

The discussion page presents nine titles from the video about attractive people. Students should quickly review these titles and add any other points they believe show how attractive people tend to do better in life. To extend the discussion, you can move to the next page, which displays popular Instagram comments about the video—an excellent chance for students to share their own opinions.

Vocabulary practice, Vocabulary in depth

The vocabulary practice section features 10 keywords from the lesson. First, students create example sentences for each word, a straightforward and traditional activity. On the following page, they delve deeper into the words by providing synonyms and collocations through a series of questions.

Social media post, Charts

On this page, students will design a social media post as if they were beauty influencers, promoting unique beauty standards or challenging existing ones. Encourage their creativity as they come up with any content they wish. If time is limited, this can be assigned as homework. The final page features two charts from the video, serving as a great extension for the lesson. If there’s extra time or if you want to substitute a slide, this can also be optional homework.

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