This lesson explores the emotional connection people have with old, imperfect belongings. Students begin with a guessing activity, identifying vintage...
Freelancing NEW
This upper-intermediate lesson explores freelancing. Students will discuss common truths and myths about freelance work and watch a video on...
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
This B2 ESL lesson is about revenge bedtime procrastination. Students will learn what it means, discuss their sleep habits, and...
Pokémon Cards
This engaging B2 ESL lesson explores how Pokémon cards transformed Chloe Webb’s life, turning a simple hobby into a thriving...
Feed Your Microbes
This upper-intermediate ESL lesson focuses on gut health and healthy eating habits. Students will watch a BBC video on how...
Digital Parenting
This B2-level lesson takes a deep dive into the ethics of digital parenting, tackling real-world debates on tracking apps, social...
Super Commuting
This B2-level conversational ESL lesson focuses on super commuting. Based on an NBC New York news episode about a super...
This upper-intermediate ESL lesson focuses on networking. Students will learn tips for successful networking, including what to do before, during,...
10 Signs You’re Being Micromanaged
This engaging B2-level ESL lesson is designed for adult learners and focuses on the topic of micromanagement. Based on a...
A No-Buy Year
This conversational B2 ESL lesson is based on a listening task about a “no-buy year.” Students will learn about the...
Dietary Supplements
This B2 ESL lesson dives into the world of dietary supplements, using a thought-provoking article as its foundation. Students will...
What is Pantone?
In this B2 ESL lesson, students explore the Pantone Color Matching System through engaging activities. They will name and discuss...