A2 Level (Elementary)

  1. What is an extrovert?
  2. Do you like to talk to a lot of people?
  3. What are some activities that extroverts like?
  4. Do you enjoy being in big groups?
  5. How do you feel about public speaking?
  6. What do you like to do at parties?
  7. Are you friends with any extroverts?
  8. What makes someone outgoing?
  9. Do you prefer playing sports in teams or alone?
  10. How do you feel in crowded places?
  11. What do you like to talk about with friends?
  12. How do extroverts make friends?
  13. Do you think being an extrovert is good for school?
  14. What are some good things about being outgoing?
  15. How do extroverts have fun?
  16. Do you like to try new activities?
  17. What do you think extroverts do on weekends?
  18. How do you feel about meeting new people?
  19. Do you think extroverts are good leaders?
  20. Would you like to be more of an extrovert?

B1 Level (Intermediate)

  1. Discuss the characteristics of extroverts.
  2. How do extroverts contribute to a team?
  3. What are the benefits of being outgoing?
  4. How do extroverts handle social situations?
  5. Discuss the challenges extroverts might face.
  6. How can extroverts help introverts feel comfortable?
  7. What kind of jobs are good for extroverts?
  8. How do extroverts recharge their energy?
  9. Discuss the role of extroverts in group projects.
  10. How can extroverts improve their listening skills?
  11. What are some misconceptions about extroverts?
  12. How do extroverts express their emotions?
  13. Discuss the importance of balance between extroversion and introversion.
  14. How do extroverts build relationships?
  15. What hobbies are suitable for extroverts?
  16. How do extroverts handle conflict?
  17. Discuss the role of extroverts in social events.
  18. How can extroverts use their skills in leadership?
  19. What are the challenges of being too extroverted?
  20. How can extroverts maintain meaningful relationships?

B2 Level (Upper Intermediate)

  1. Analyze the role of extroversion in communication skills.
  2. Debate the strengths and weaknesses of extroverted personalities in the workplace.
  3. How does society view extroversion versus introversion?
  4. Discuss how extroverts can effectively work with introverts.
  5. Analyze the impact of extroversion on personal and professional growth.
  6. Discuss the psychological aspects of extroversion.
  7. Evaluate the role of extroverts in team dynamics.
  8. Discuss how extroverts can contribute to community development.
  9. Analyze the relationship between extroversion and creativity.
  10. Debate the importance of extroverted traits in leadership.
  11. Discuss how extroverts handle stress and pressure.
  12. Analyze the impact of extroversion on social networking.
  13. Evaluate the role of extroverts in promoting social change.
  14. Discuss the challenges extroverts face in introspection.
  15. How does culture influence the perception of extroversion?
  16. Analyze the role of extroverts in conflict resolution.
  17. Discuss how extroversion affects learning styles.
  18. Evaluate the impact of extroversion on mental health.
  19. Discuss the role of extroverts in innovation and entrepreneurship.
  20. Debate the balance between extroversion and privacy.

C1 Level (Advanced)

  1. Critique the concept of extroversion in psychological theories.
  2. Analyze the role of extroversion in cross-cultural communication.
  3. Evaluate the impact of extroversion on group decision-making processes.
  4. Discuss the implications of extroversion in digital communication.
  5. Examine the challenges of extroversion in diverse workplace environments.
  6. Analyze the role of extroverts in organizational change.
  7. Evaluate the influence of extroversion on negotiation and persuasion.
  8. Discuss the ethical aspects of extroversion in marketing and advertising.
  9. Examine the role of extroversion in artistic and creative fields.
  10. Critically assess the impact of extroversion on personal identity.

C2 Level (Proficiency)

  1. Debate the philosophical implications of categorizing personalities as extroverted.
  2. Analyze the role of extroversion in shaping societal norms.
  3. Critically evaluate the psychometric measures of extroversion.
  4. Examine the long-term impacts of extroverted behavior on career success.
  5. Discuss the implications of extroversion in global leadership.
  6. Analyze the impact of extroversion on social and political movements.
  7. Evaluate the role of extroversion in conflict and crisis management.
  8. Debate the influence of extroversion on technological innovation.
  9. Examine the ethical considerations of extroversion in public life.
  10. Critically assess the role of extroversion in shaping educational approaches.