A2 Level (Elementary)

  1. What does cheating mean?
  2. Is cheating in a game okay? Why or why not?
  3. Have you ever seen someone cheat in school?
  4. Why do people cheat?
  5. How do you feel when someone cheats?
  6. What should you do if you see someone cheating?
  7. Can cheating ever be a good thing?
  8. How can cheating affect people?
  9. What are some rules against cheating in school?
  10. Is copying homework cheating? Why?
  11. What happens if you cheat on a test?
  12. Can you cheat in sports? How?
  13. Why is it important to play fairly?
  14. What can teachers do to stop cheating?
  15. Should cheaters be punished? How?
  16. How does cheating make the cheater feel?
  17. Can cheating hurt friendships?
  18. What is more important: winning or honesty?
  19. How can we help someone who cheats?
  20. Is it always easy to tell if someone is cheating?

B1 Level (Intermediate)

  1. What motivates people to cheat in different situations?
  2. Discuss the consequences of cheating in a relationship.
  3. How does cheating affect the individual who cheats?
  4. Can cheating in small things lead to bigger issues?
  5. What are the social consequences of cheating?
  6. How can schools effectively prevent cheating?
  7. Should athletes who cheat be banned from sports?
  8. How does technology make cheating easier?
  9. Discuss the impact of cheating on trust in relationships.
  10. Can cheating ever be justified? Discuss.
  11. What role does peer pressure play in cheating?
  12. How do cultural attitudes towards cheating differ?
  13. Discuss how cheating impacts academic integrity.
  14. What are effective ways to discourage cheating?
  15. How can parents teach children about honesty?
  16. What is the difference between cheating and collaboration?
  17. How can communities deal with cheating scandals?
  18. Discuss the psychological effects of being cheated on.
  19. How does cheating in a game differ from cheating in real life?
  20. What are some famous cheating scandals and their impacts?

B2 Level (Upper Intermediate)

  1. Analyze the ethical implications of cheating in various contexts.
  2. Debate whether the pressure to succeed can justify cheating.
  3. Discuss the long-term effects of cheating on personal development.
  4. Evaluate the role of academic institutions in addressing cheating.
  5. How does cheating in the digital age differ from the past?
  6. Discuss the impact of cheating on professional integrity.
  7. Can technology help in preventing cheating? How?
  8. Explore the psychology behind why people cheat.
  9. Debate the effectiveness of punishment vs. rehabilitation for cheaters.
  10. Analyze the role of society in shaping attitudes towards cheating.
  11. How does cheating in sports affect public perception of athletes?
  12. Discuss the role of honesty in maintaining healthy relationships.
  13. Evaluate different cultural perspectives on cheating.
  14. How does cheating affect group dynamics and teamwork?
  15. Analyze the impact of media on public perceptions of cheating.
  16. Discuss the balance between trust and vigilance in preventing cheating.
  17. How can organizations rebuild trust after a cheating scandal?
  18. Explore the moral dilemmas faced by individuals who witness cheating.
  19. Analyze the role of ethics in business and political cheating.
  20. Discuss how cheating undermines the concept of fair competition.

C1 Level (Advanced)

  1. Critically assess the societal norms that contribute to cheating behavior.
  2. Discuss the impact of cheating on the integrity of systems and institutions.
  3. Evaluate the psychological motivations behind cheating.
  4. Analyze the role of ethical education in preventing cheating.
  5. Discuss the intersection of technology and academic dishonesty.
  6. Explore the impact of cheating scandals on public trust.
  7. Critically examine the role of media in exposing and influencing cheating.
  8. Discuss the consequences of systemic cheating in professional fields.
  9. Evaluate the effectiveness of current measures to combat cheating.
  10. Analyze the role of personal values in resisting the temptation to cheat.

C2 Level (Proficiency)

  1. Debate the philosophical implications of cheating in a moral society.
  2. Critically analyze the role of cheating in shaping historical events.
  3. Explore the potential of technology in both facilitating and detecting cheating.
  4. Discuss the long-term ethical considerations of a culture tolerant of cheating.
  5. Evaluate the impact of cheating on the concept of meritocracy.
  6. Analyze the role of cheating in competitive environments.
  7. Debate the influence of cheating on cultural and social values.
  8. Critically assess the potential for systemic change to reduce cheating.
  9. Explore the implications of cheating in high-stakes situations.
  10. Debate the extent to which personal integrity can combat societal pressures to cheat.