A2 Level (Elementary)
- What is birth control?
- Can you name some birth control methods?
- Why do people use birth control?
- Should birth control be discussed in schools?
- Who can provide information about birth control?
- Can both men and women use birth control?
- How do you feel about using birth control?
- Should birth control be free?
- Is birth control common in your country?
- What are the benefits of birth control?
- How does birth control affect health?
- Can birth control be used for other health reasons?
- Should teenagers learn about birth control?
- How do you talk about birth control with a partner?
- Are there any natural methods of birth control?
- What is family planning?
- How do birth control pills work?
- What is a condom?
- Can birth control fail?
- Is birth control important in a relationship?
- Discuss the various types of birth control and their effectiveness.
- How does culture influence attitudes towards birth control?
- What are the misconceptions about birth control?
- Should birth control be a shared responsibility in a relationship?
- Discuss the role of education in birth control awareness.
- How does access to birth control affect society?
- What are the ethical considerations of birth control?
- How do religious beliefs impact birth control usage?
- Discuss the importance of consent in birth control decisions.
- Compare and contrast birth control practices in different countries.
- How does media portrayal of birth control affect public opinion?
- Discuss the impact of birth control on women’s health.
- How can technology improve birth control methods?
- What are the challenges in accessing birth control?
- How do personal values influence birth control choices?
- Discuss the role of healthcare professionals in birth control advice.
- How can misinformation about birth control be corrected?
- What are the long-term effects of using birth control?
- How does birth control contribute to family planning?
- Discuss the impact of birth control on population growth.
- Analyze the societal implications of widespread birth control use.
- Discuss the relationship between birth control and gender equality.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of birth control policies in different countries.
- Explore the ethical dilemmas in compulsory birth control programs.
- Analyze how birth control influences economic development.
- Discuss the role of birth control in sexual health education.
- Evaluate the impact of birth control on public health.
- Discuss the balance between individual choice and public health in birth control.
- Analyze the historical evolution of birth control methods.
- Discuss the role of birth control in empowering individuals.
- Evaluate the impact of birth control on family dynamics.
- Analyze the role of governments in regulating birth control.
- Discuss the environmental impacts of birth control methods.
- Evaluate the role of birth control in preventing sexually transmitted infections.
- Discuss the challenges in global access to birth control.
- Analyze the relationship between birth control and sexual liberation.
- Discuss the impact of birth control on societal norms.
- Evaluate the role of birth control in life planning.
- Analyze the challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing birth control.
- Discuss the future trends in birth control technologies.
C1 Level (Advanced)
- Critique the portrayal of birth control in media and its societal effects.
- Discuss the intersection of birth control, politics, and human rights.
- Analyze the role of birth control in shaping modern societies.
- Explore the ethical considerations in birth control research.
- Debate the role of birth control in addressing overpopulation concerns.
- Analyze the impact of birth control legislation on personal freedoms.
- Discuss the role of birth control in the feminist movement.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of international birth control programs.
- Explore the cultural barriers to birth control education and usage.
- Analyze the long-term societal effects of birth control advancements.
C2 Level (Proficiency)
- Discuss the philosophical implications of birth control on human behavior.
- Analyze the role of birth control in the global health agenda.
- Critically evaluate the balance between birth control advocacy and coercion.
- Explore the impact of birth control on traditional societal structures.
- Discuss the sociopolitical aspects of birth control in different regions.
- Analyze how birth control challenges or reinforces societal norms.
- Explore the future of reproductive rights in relation to birth control.
- Critically discuss the role of birth control in population control debates.
- Analyze the influence of birth control on gender dynamics.
- Debate the role of birth control in shaping future societies.