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B2 – Fast Fashion

This is a video-based lesson plan for upper-intermediate students about Fast Fashion. The students will explore why fast fashion is dangerous and what we can do to become more conscious shoppers. The lesson revolves around a hilarious video sketch of a commercial promoting a fast fashion company from China. Following the video, there are comprehension questions about the ad’s message and the use of humor to address sensitive issues. The lesson aims to spark discussion and opinion exchange while being educational and raising awareness about the fast fashion industry.

TypeLevelVocabularyVideo LengthLesson Time
Regular LessonB2 / Upper-Intermediate10 words1:46 min60 min
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  • garment 
  • dyes 
  • polyester 
  • craftsmanship 
  • forced labor 
  • fabrics 
  • lead 
  • shady 
  • fossil fuels 
  • sustainable


  • Lead-in
  • Vocabulary match
  • Reading
  • Video
  • Questions
  • Discussion
  • Vocabulary practice
  • Quote
  • Extra video