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B2 – Alternatives to Traditional New Year’s Resolutions

In this article-based ESL lesson, your students can learn about unconventional approaches to New Year’s resolutions. It discusses options like choosing a “nudge word” instead of a specific goal, creating a “To-Don’t List” to set boundaries, trying a “One-Month Resolution,” or incorporating healthy pleasures into your life. Students can learn that there are alternative ways to set and achieve personal goals and that they don’t have to conform to traditional resolution practices, allowing for greater flexibility in personal growth and improvement.

This is a flipped lesson. Not sure how to teach it? Click here for more instructions.

TypeLevelVocabularyReading timeLesson Time
Flipped LessonB2 / Upper-Intermediate16 words5 min / 715 words60 min
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Teaching guide

This is a flipped lesson. Before class, students need to preview 16 vocabulary words from pages 4-5.


  • Alternative
  • Nudge
  • Mindset
  • Nagging
  • Resonate with
  • Attitude
  • Boundary
  • Rebel
  • Feel obligated
  • Sobriety
  • Boomerang back
  • Significant
  • Trigger
  • Boost
  • Mobility
  • Life span


  • Lead-in 1
  • Lead-in 2
  • Vocabulary
  • Article
  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary practice
  • Quote
  • Collocations
  • Speaking