Building a Positive Corporate Culture
This B2 ESL lesson dives into the topic of corporate culture. Students will get familiar with the concept, brainstorm traits of a positive workplace, and explore innovative approaches used by different companies. They’ll also watch and discuss a video titled Reed Hastings’ Top Five Lessons Learned as CEO of Netflix, picking up useful vocabulary along the way.
Students will practice this vocabulary by discussing ideas from the video, sharing insights about their own companies’ cultures, and comparing them to Netflix’s. Plus, there’s a debate section that’s perfect for students looking to sharpen their speaking skills.
Type | Level | Vocabulary | Video length | Lesson time |
Regular Lesson | B2 / Upper-Intermediate | 10 words | 2:27 min | 60 min |

- Vacation policy
- Expense policy
- Appropriate
- Global culture
- Expand
- Stimulate
- Inspire
- Open disagreement
- Candor
- Act in (someone’s) best interest
- Lead-in
- Discussion
- Vocabulary preview
- Vocabulary
- Video
- Comprehension
- Practice
- Questions
- Debate
Lead-In, Discussion
This lesson on building a positive corporate culture begins with a lead-in activity to familiarize students with the concept of corporate culture. They will review its definition and describe the corporate culture at their current company. Additionally, students will brainstorm characteristics of a positive corporate culture, focusing on examples such as support for growth, trust and respect, and flexibility. They will generate their own ideas and engage in discussion. After that, students will read about innovative corporate culture methods used by well-known companies and share their thoughts. The featured companies include Google, Shopify, and Patagonia.
Vocabulary preview, Video, Comprehension
The next section is the vocabulary preview, where there will be ten words displayed on the slides. Students will need to place a checkmark in the box next to each word they are familiar with. Afterward, they will discuss any unfamiliar words on the following page. The words and phrases are taken from the video “Reed Hastings’ Top Five Lessons Learned as CEO of Netflix.”
Students will watch the video and take notes on the five lessons mentioned. Following the video, they will complete a comprehension task on the next slide, where they will need to answer the question: “What lessons did Reed Hastings learn while being CEO of Netflix?” They should also reflect on which lessons resonate with them the most.
Vocabulary practice, Questions, Debate
Finally, there are several discussion questions related to the topic. Students will have the opportunity to discuss corporate culture in their own companies and compare it to Netflix’s corporate culture. Additionally, there is a debate activity where students will explore three different statements, allowing them to express their opinions.